2015 deluxe edition: part V

Only now did she realize that earlier ideas to visit some nearby cities had evaporated as though they’d had never existed in her mind to begin with and she hadn’t even noticed said disappearance. She only remembered them now as she was in a train again and she could imagine Venezia watch her with a sly grin and the eyes of a lover who knows that the one heading away will be coming back for more and feel tortured during the separation. How can you in your right mind leave your beloved? You cannot and you don’t. You stay in the divine embrace till the very end and when circumstances finally force you to leave you part with a kiss that switches off all the world. Was it weird to have such thoughts about a city? About any other city – perhaps, yet it felt perfectly normal to think that about Venezia.

I wrote the previous paragraph last December and I still feel exactly the same way. Venezia cleanses me, it brings me back to life and teaches me how to breathe and feel again. And that is exactly why my photographs are a continuous love letter to the most magical of places.

This is my last post of this year, my wonderful followers and readers. My wish is that 2016 is one of elating inspiration, joy and love for each one of you! Be happy, be wonderful, be magical and don’t be scared of your dreams!!!

14 Replies to “2015 deluxe edition: part V”

  1. mvaden1948 says:

    How on earth do you get into my soul and discover exactly how I feel about leaving my beloved. I always have to be careful about looking back from the Alilaguna to the airport because they really don’t want to deal with the weeping woman.
    We will meet in that cafe with the pink lady by the canal one day!


    • Well… I just tap into that frequency somewhere between light and shadows, reality and dream. Thats all I do, I swear. No tricks.:)
      For me the Alilaguna rides are always the easy ones because Im still on the water and also I can watch the lagoon from the airport. Its more difficult if I go away by train as that means leaving via Milano (that I detest).
      And that meeting certainly must happen!


  2. Lovely words of sentiment to Venice!


  3. Bella serie… quasi quasi mi faccio un giro a Venezia…


  4. I was just thinking that I’d like to go to Venice again and take better photos than the previous 3 times I’ve visited. This post definitely inspires me even more! Amazing photos, as always. I just love the one with “We were the kings and queens of promise” and the one with the couple sitting opposite each other by the water, drinking from cans.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for this wonderful comment! That quote on a wall from a song by my favorite band was like a gift from my favorite city on my birthday last summer, so that photo just had to be taken. Like all the rest of them, to be honest, with the stories that accompany them. And my wish is that you go and capture magic that awaits on every step in Venice!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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