some questions answered

First of all, a big thank you to the wonderful J who is behind the Diary of an Aesthete (make sure you check it out, because it is nothing short of amazing) for the lovely surprise – a nomination of my site for an award!!!

Its always a pure delight to know my vision of the world resonates with souls of other people, making this experience ever more worth it and special.

I guess its time to answer the questions, so here we go then…

1. Where do most visits to your blog come from?

The leaders are USA, Italy and Belgium, followed by Australia, Portugal, Brazil and UK.

2. What is your favourite sport?

It has to be ice skating. I love the feeling of almost flying I get when gliding (even if ever so slightly clumsily compared to pros) on ice.

3. What has been a special moment for you in 2014?

My magical two weeks in winter Venice.

4. What is your favourite quote?

There are soon many, but a few favourites go like this:

I repeat for the last time: to understand me, you’ll have to swallow a world. [Salman Rushdi “Midnight’s Children”]

As an artist, I follow my heart, my soul, my gut, and do what the fuck I want to do. [Jared Leto]

Here are three words for being a better photographer: ‘Move your ass’ [Jay Maisel]

The pictures are everywhere. If you’re open they will come to you. [Jay Maisel]

5. What was your favourite class when still at school?

First one was English. This language simply infiltrated my brain and has stayed there without any intentions of leaving. And then I fell in love with history.

6. Anything you wished to have learned earlier?

Taking pictures and Italian.

7. What musical instrument have you tried to play?

The first one was violin and then piano followed. That was a long time ago. I wouldnt be able to play anything on a violin if my life depended on it now, but I bought a keyboard on a whim with intention to re-learn to play, however, I never got to doing that. I guess I should though.

Now Im supposed to nominate people for this award, but I know that some are not fans of nominations and things, which is why instead of nominating anybody, I will share with you the list of blogs I personally find absolutely fascinating (in no particular order of preference, mind you, because they all are equally special).

Lets start with the wonderfully savvy and charming Mr Bowie

For dream-like and ethereal portraits lets pay a visit to Teija

After that lets dive into the incredible street and travel photography stories of Alessandro

The fun and informative posts of Yvonne will make you learn many interesting things.

Want to walk around Venice and meet a charming devil? Michelle’s blog is the perfect place for doing just that.

For beautiful poetry lets head over to Anotnio’s blog here.

If you are looking for inspiring and wonderful photography you should definitely check out A photogenic world and Mindful photos

And my list would never be complete without the master of words Paolo M

So, here it is then – some questions answered, some award rules broken, but I hope its been fun, and I will see you in my next post!

Yours trully,

Eva aka Biankonera

19 Replies to “some questions answered”

  1. mvaden1948 says:

    Grazie, bella!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Herman says:

    Congratulations on your award, Eva. Thank you so much for mentioning HoB on your list. Grazie!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yvonne says:

    Congratulations on a well deserved award. Thank you for mentioning my blog, and also some new ones I haven’t yet stumbled upon.

    Have a lovely day.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. thepiratehorizon says:

    and aren’t you lovely? 🙂


  5. Oh why I have missed this post of yours??? I usually get all notices from your post through email, but this one has not! Thank you so much for mentioning my blog ❤ And we have more and more in common! I love love ice skating too! We should do a ice skating shoot together! 😉 And I wish too that I would have focused sooner for photography… and I do not know how to speak Italian, just few words and phrases, but I would love to learn someday! Have a great weekend and post more!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • biankonera says:

      How could I leave out your blog of wonderful photo magic? Impossible, I tell you. 🙂 And I seriously like that ice skating shoot idea – it would be so fun to see how the same setting/model/etc looks through your lens and mine. I just came back from a quick trip to Holland and I can tell you a secret – the spring exists this year, I saw it (and as a result – the flowerbomb is about to go off on my blog) 😉 Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • ❤ Oh I am so jealous and cannot wait to see your photos! I only dream about spring, it`s making its comeback here too, but so slowly 😉 I had a dream about little trip myself, I had few places in my mind, but I guess that trip is on hold for now… maybe in the Fall…
        Have a wonderful weekend too!


      • biankonera says:

        I just went a little crazy on my first flower post 😀 but hey, its spring after all 😉 Im only slightly more South from you, but I swear – we are having the slowest spring comeback ever!!! Maybe these posts will make it hurry up? 😀 As for trips, Im trying to reign in my cravings to go back to Venezia as Ive a huge adventure in mind for next spring. Lets see how that one goes. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Very very slow spring comeback this year.. but maybe it is just teasing us 😉 I just would love to travel more, but maybe someday again time is better for that… I have never been to Venezia, but I would love see that beautiful city one day. I love Rome and Verona, and also Trento has taken my heart ❤


      • biankonera says:

        Italy is an incredible place – full of colors and stories. I had an idea to go to Rome this year but the spring garden won. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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