theatre of life: watch and be watched

5 Replies to “theatre of life: watch and be watched”

  1. mvaden1948 says:

    Been there and done that…:-)


    • biankonera says:

      Ive still to have the Florian experience for Ive been “only” at “Quadri” 🙂


      • mvaden1948 says:

        Quadri was my sitting in the sun and paying too much for cappuccino post in 2013. My friends Karen and Mike joined me at Florian’s for another very expensive coffee in December 2012 the week of my birthday. And FYI….coffee is just as expensive at the Danieli. It’s an experience but as I’m sure you know you can find lovely places to sip away an hour or two further away from those areas for much less.


      • biankonera says:

        Oh you certainly pay for the experience at said places and Im all for it as long as Im in a right mood (both emotionally and financially) 🙂 In fact Im planning to give my mom the Danieli experience as a birthday present.


  2. mvaden1948 says:

    A friend took me for a drink at the Danieli….would never have gone there on my own.


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