venetian courtesans: what are you doing, dude?

4 Replies to “venetian courtesans: what are you doing, dude?”

  1. Yvonne says:

    Those dudes have been surveying that territory for a while now!


    • biankonera says:

      Yeah, the guardians of Coin 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yvonne says:

        It’s fun to go into Coin and stand behind those fellows, to see what they’re looking at every day through those posh gothic windows.

        What was that building before it became COIN, do you know?.


      • biankonera says:

        Coin is a fun place. I remember I got lost the first time I went there – just couldnt find my way out from the upper floors (and the elevator was wonderfully “fuori servizio” that day). After that I was curious what had been in that palazzo before but Ive had no luck finding anything.

        Liked by 1 person

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